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Simhat Torah a Year Later

As we go into Simhat Torah on the anniversary of October 7th according to the Hebrew calendar, we are asking ourselves how can we celebrate in the face of so much loss and suffering? Should we be celebrating and how can we be joyful?  Families have been shattered, communities have been shattered, we are still losing soldiers and there are still so many captives in Gaza. 

The Jewish response recognizes our pain and our suffering, and yet challenges us to celebrate life and to still find the joy and meaning in our Jewish collective endeavor, which is our loved ones, our friends, our community, Torah, Israel and our serving the Almighty.  We have Tisha B’av and we have Purim. And now we have both on the same day. 

And so we are called to dance with joy, however this year we will also have the loss in hearts. How do we hold both?   Our celebration might be a bit more sober, but also a lot more powerful knowing that others have given their lives for the Jewish people and the land of Israel.  This calls on us to give our all to live for our Torah, the Jewish people and Israel.  Chag Sameyach, Rabbi Jonathan Feldman, Tribe Tel Aviv

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